eekayuh (IKEA)

the european walmart i suppose would be the description of the gigatic blue building which is IKEA Amsterdam. though really much more like pier1imports, the houseware and more outfitter is really a swedish monster. much is well made, or i should say designed, most is produced in china to keep cost low. still they have a smart design sense and millions of ways to save space and have chic cheap.

brother eric and big chicago tony would soil their drawers for the three-hour-plus experience that the immense store demands. they shrewdly funnel you into the restaurant (try the rich chocolate milk) halfway through the walking tour which is mapped out in a small booklet with complementary pencil and blank space for listing your desired items from the showroom displays (which is the entire top floor). plastic measuring strips are also at your disposal to make sure everything will fit.

even a mini play area for the wee children—nothing is left out.
buy your shopping bag at the end if you want to carry your small items back home in style. remember to thank the clerk as you leave—-(dankuwel).