long-forgotten hay

on the advice of one of my attorneys, here’s my midsummer update:

projects completed since july 4th:
-reshingled milk shed
-mowed grass twice
-started john deere model 70
-aided friend in cleaning his garage and rebuilding his dixie chopper
-fixed two hose spigots
-snaked kitchen drain
-adjusted antennae in attic
-replaced light bulbs in barn
-restacked straw bales in hayloft
-removed pallets, et cetera from hayloft
-brought steel-wheeled wagon out from soggy machine shed
-chopped weeds in west grape arbor (avoided poison ivy)
-ate majority of left-overs from family reunion
-installed coaxial extention cable
-soldered ring onto hummingbird wind chime
-repaired pto clutch cable on honda riding mower
-front brake job BMW r65

jobs in progress july 24,2003:
-removal of old hay from hayloft
-hay barn siding repairs and cleanout (year 4)
-honda 125XL dirt bike restoration
-scrap metal hauling
-lawn care maintanence
-evisceration of poison ivy
-tracking of grounghog activity

the dusts, musts, and stenches of removing 10(+?)year-old hay from the loft of our big barn leaves a thick itch in the eyes and throat. today’s exploratory work warrants a trip to buy some dust masks to make the job more tolerable.
so far three mostly decomposed animals, perhaps 2 opposum and 1 raccoon have surfaced in addition to copious amounts of raccoon feces. they seem to like to mark their territory with huge piles of excrement. maybe the removal of hay will discourage their demarcation techniques.
barq’s rootbeer seems to coat the throat nicely when battling the effects of the barn must hacking cough.