free advice

if there is one major connective trait about people i’ve met during the course of the trip so far, it would have to be the urge to impart free advice.
mostly it seems to stem from some envy of not feeling able to take the same trip for themselves. most of the people offer places in the US ”not to miss.”
this is good, because my direction is often loose if not downright vague at times. others extend the vicarious ”this is what i would do…”
often it seems perfect strangers can carry a lengthy conversation on travel, one offering the reality (sometimes harsh or uninteresting details) and the other fulfilling the fantasy day dream of their ideal travel. these conversations make the reality of the trip refreshing and allows the traveler to remember just why he started out. if nothing else, he’ll have some good stories to tell.
my free advice is ”go and do it for yourself.”